We’re getting really excited as we’re just weeks away from the first day of camp!
In preparation for camp, I’m sharing important information regarding camper health and safety. This is one of our top priorities, and we appreciate you sharing details about your camper in advance so we can address any needs.
ALLERGIES: While we are not a nut-free camp, we are ALLERGY-AWARE. Please inform us of any allergies in advance so we can take the proper precautions.
SPECIAL NEEDS: We strive to provide a positive experience for everyone. However, we do not specialize in serving children with special needs. If you have any concerns, please contact us to discuss further.
MEDICATIONS: If your camper will take any medications at camp, including over-the-counter ones, a Medication Administration Authorization form (MDH-4758-A) must be completed by a physician for each medication. This form is available through our camper portal under the “Upload Documents” section. I am certified to administer medications and will review all forms prior to administration with our Health Supervisor.
EMERGENCY MEDICATIONS: Inhalers, EpiPens, and other emergency medications will be carried by a staff member throughout the day in a neon fanny pack, ensuring they are always accessible.
ASTHMA: If your camper has asthma and requires an inhaler or other asthma-related medication, an Asthma Action Plan and Medication Administration Authorization form must be completed by a physician. This form is available through our camper portal under “Upload Documents.”
INJURIES: We are equipped with basic first aid supplies, and our CPR/First Aid certified staff can address needs on site. In case of an emergency, we are less than 10 minutes from emergency services and the hospital.
ILLNESSES: If your camper is ill before camp, please keep them at home. If they become ill during the day, our health center can provide an isolated location. If the stay is longer than 30 minutes, we will ask for them to be picked up to recuperate at home.
COMMUNICATION: We will inform you with a phone call or at pick-up if your child visits our health center or receives first aid.
NURSE ON CALL: We are fortunate to have Kirstie Abernathy, RN, as our nurse on call. She is a full-time school and camp nurse and formerly a pediatric nurse at Johns Hopkins. Kirstie reviews all health information before camp begins and is available throughout the camp day for any concerns.
SUNSCREEN & BUG SPRAY: Please apply sunscreen and bug spray before drop-off. We will reapply throughout the day, so pack extra. Sprays are encouraged as staff cannot assist with lotions.
WATER: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! We have water coolers for refilling water bottles throughout the day. Please pack a refillable water bottle for your camper.
As a parent, I understand the importance of safety and want to reassure you that we strive to create the safest environment for your child. While camp is fun and filled with activities, safety is always our top priority.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Here’s a recap of what we’ve covered so far and what’s coming up:
May 29: Welcome to Camp & Quick Facts
June 5: About Our Week
June 19: Procedures & Daily Camp Schedule
June 26: Staff Introductions & Training
An email reminder before your campers’ week(s) of camp
A survey after your campers’ week(s) of camp